Tag Archives: Peer-to-Patent

With Beth Noveck in Rome: parallel stories of the Wiki government

I admire Beth Noveck‘s work, and I have been following it for years. American, NYU professor, blogger (her blog is a precious source for me), Beth is the founder of Peer to Patent, the first 2.0 project of the American Federal administration. Peer to Patent was much praised by candidate Obama; later, President Obama appointed Beth Deputy CIO to lead the White House’s Open Government initiative. In 2009 she published an excellent book, The Wiki Government, to tell the Peer to Patent story and discuss the implication of a collaborative approach to government.

My own trajectory feels a bit like a smaller scale model of Beth’s. The blog, the first 2.0 project of Italy’s central government administration, the book. We have been in conversation for about a year now: she generously contributed to my book, and even co-authored its preface. So, I am happy and proud to have the chance to work with her: we will hold the two keynote speeches in a public discussion on the Wiki government’s phase two, that of going from cool experimentation to standard work modality for government of all levels. The event will take place on May 26th in Rome, at Sala Capitolare of the Senate, and will be chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the European Parliament Gianni Pittella. At the helm of the organization is the excellent Fabio Maccione (thanks!) from Fondazione Zefiro, and you are all heartily invited. Register here. Jacket and tie are mandatory for men.

Sostiene Paul Johnston

Paul Johnston dirige The Connected Republic, l’iniziativa di Cisco sul settore pubblico: abbiamo collaborato alla dichiarazione aperta sui servizi pubblici europei. Qualche giorno fa ci siamo fatti una lunga chiacchierata su Wikicrazia, che lui sta leggendo via Google Translate. Mi ha molto incoraggiato ad andare avanti, ma mi ha anche fatto due osservazioni:

  • in UK non sarebbe mai successo. Nel capitolo 4 racconto Visioni Urbane, e scrivo che il problema è evitare che vengano aperti centri culturali che poi restano vuoti perché è difficile trovare, nei bilanci pubblici, i fondi per coprirne i costi di gestione. Paul trasecola: ma come, ma la gente di lì non si ribella? I giornali non mettono in croce i responsabili di decisioni che sprecano il denaro pubblico? Beh, in realtà mi risulta che anche nel Regno Unito sono stati fatti investimenti importanti in Arts Centers che poi, a lavori finiti, sono risultati non avere un business plan difendibile: un esempio è The Public a West Bromwich, costato 65 milioni di sterline (oltre venti volte Visioni Urbane!) e definito dopo l’inaugurazione debito pubblico o addirittura monumento all’idiozia. Però l’osservazione di Paul solleva un problema: ci sono pezzi di Wikicrazia che hanno senso solo nel contesto italiano?
  • il governo wiki non scala, perché si basa su competenze di costruzione di comunità dal basso e connessione tra mondi diversi che sono rare e quasi invisibili alla ricerca. Secondo Paul, la fondazione di Peer-to-Patent è difficile da immaginare senza Beth Noveck (blogger ed esperta di tecnologia da un lato, insegnante di diritto dei brevetti dall’altro); così quella di Kublai (capitolo 5) senza di me (musicista da un lato, economista dall’altro). Secondo me questo non è vero, se si considera la dimensione tempo: è probabilmente vero che tre anni fa c’era bisogno di uno come me per immaginare Kublai, ma oggi, secondo me, la community ha 150 utenti esperti e animatori di una comunità online. Di questi, una decina sarebbero probabilmente in grado di usare la loro esperienza Kublai per lanciare una loro community (alcuni l’hanno già fatto). Nella mia esperienza i progetti 2.0 producono gente che li sa abitare – e, in prospettiva, generarne altri a partire dall’esperienza fatta. Se il numero di fondatori potenziali si moltiplica per dieci in tre anni (due a partire dal lancio), è un bello scalare. 🙂

What Paul Johnston has to say

Paul Johnston leads The Connected Republic, Cisco’s initiative on the public sector: we worked together on the Open Declaration on European public services. A few days ago we had a chat about my book, that he is reading through Google Translate. he was very supportive and thinks what I am doing is relevant, but he also presented me with two difficult remarks:

  • that would not have happened in the UK. In chapter 4 I tell the story of a project called Visioni Urbane (this paper tells its story in English if you can’t stand Google Translate). The problem there was to prevent a regional administration from building Arts Centers doomed to abandonment for lack of public funding for running costs. Paul was very surprised at this: would not the local people rebel against such irresponsibile behaviour? Would not local newspapers exact a heavy toll on politicians responsible for obviously wrong decisions? They would in the UK. Witness The Public in West Bronwick, a £65 million Arts Center (that’s more than 20 times the Visioni Urbane project), whose business plan that had to be killed by its evaluator, because it would not hold water: the press did call it a public liability and even a monument to idiocy, but the money was gone by then. But of course Paul’s point got me thinking about how much of my book is relevant outside the Italian context
  • the wiki government does not scale, because it is based on bridge-building and community-bootstrapping skills that are scarce and almost invisible to search. According to Paul, it’s hard to imagine starting Peer-to-Patent without Beth Noveck (blogger and technology expert on one side, professor of patent law on the other side), or Kublai without me (musician on one side, regional development economist on the other side). I disagree, though. In the real world scaling happens over time: it is probably true that, three years ago, it took someone like me to imagine Kublai (paper in English), but today, in my opinion, that community has around 150 very expert users of online communities. About 10 of them would be able to launch their own community: in fact, some of them have done so. My experience is that 2.0 projects produce users that know to inhabit them, and generate new ones. And if the number of potential initiators goes up tenfold over three years (three from design, two from launch) that’s pretty good scaling. 🙂