Tag Archives: From mother to daughter

Live(ish) blogging from Canada

Mondine al 25 aprile

Andrea Zambelli, director of Mondine – From mother to daughter, is in Toronto for the film’s world première. I just got this email from producer Davide Ferrario. I translated and copied it below, I am too overwhelmed to add anything.

Zambe tells me that the first show was sold out (300 people). No one left. We had two applauses during the movie, and tears and enthusiasm at the end.
“I didn’t expect such an emotional reaction”, said the director…
A long debate with many questions followed. To be fair, half the audience consisted of Italian Canadians, but their heritage was not necessarily the only reason for them to like it.
Filmitalia people were also deeply moved, they send many congratulations. All in all, we all deserve them. Tonight second show for the general public. Tomorrow I’ll speak with Andrea again.


(Quasi) live blogging dal Canada

Mondine al 25 aprile

Andrea Zambelli, regista del film, è a Toronto per la prima mondiale. Poco fa è arrivata questa mail da Davide Ferrario. Ve la copio e incollo così com’è, sono troppo emozionato per scrivere altro.
Notizie dal Canada.

Zambe mi dice che la prima proiezione di ieri era a sala piena (300 posti). Nessuno si è mosso, due applausi a scena aperta e alla fine lacrime ed entusiasmo.
“Non pensavo facesse un effetto così”: parole del regista…
Lungo dibattito e tante domande. Giusto osservare che metà del pubblico era di emigrati italiani, ma non era detto che gli piacesse solo per il fatto che lo erano.
Anche quelli di Filmitalia commossi, molte congratulazioni.
Insomma, complimenti a tutti. Stasera seconda proiezione pubblica. Domani riparlo con Andrea.


From mother to daughter-The movie: the first glimpses

Shooting for the Mondine movie is officially finished: we have been editing since September. For now, Zambe the director has put together this showreel, which contains footage (and audio) from the Detroit show cut with clips shot in various other occasions (at Arezzo on May 1st, in Detroit, on the rice paddies) and vintage repertoire material. It was really emotional to watch it… I can’t wait for the film to be finished.